From the course: Advanced Microservices: Tactical Forking

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- [Instructor] Okay, so now you've seen what tactical forking is all about. The next step is to decide, will it suit your situation as a strategy to grow your software and your team? Therefore, the thing to do next is to ask yourself is tactical forking for you? Use the criteria summarized in the section when to adopt tactical forking, and also look at the section how to adopt tactical forking, to make this decision. And although tactical forking is a quick way to grow your software and team without having to first wait to come up with a microservices based system, as a strategy it still needs time to set up and plan extra infrastructure and engineers to support the strategy. So in summary, it's a quick way to grow, but it's definitely not free in terms of time and money. In this course, I've also tried to highlight the impact and challenges of this strategy and potential solutions. However, assess if you have the appetite, the…
