From the course: Advanced Microservices: Tactical Forking

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Tactical forking demo

Tactical forking demo

- [Instructor] So let's look at an example of how tactical forking might work. So here we have your typical example of an e-commerce website. There's a frontend application called Shop Web UI and it has a large backend API called Shop Web API that provides all the business logic and data that our frontend application needs. And it's this backend API contained within the shop API projects folder, that's our monolithic application, where we are going to apply the tactical forking strategy. And if we run this application, you will see it's a very simple application intentionally kept simple for this demo. So here we have our very basic frontend application that gets all its data and functionality from our monolithic backend API called Shop Web API which is running in the other browser. And as we select various menu items within our frontend application, all the data that's been retrieved and displayed is actually being…
