From the course: Advanced Microservices: Tactical Forking

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What is tactical forking?

What is tactical forking?

- To explain what tactical forking is and how it can be used as an approach and strategy for growing your software, we must first look at the situation where tactical forking becomes an option. And to illustrate this here, we have your typical software architecture. There's a backend service and there are some frontend applications, either a separate applications by themselves or they are served by the backend system. And as your software architecture becomes more successful as a product, you start adding more features. And this backend system that contains all your business logic and the apps functionality becomes larger and larger. And this type of extensive, organically-grown application is sometimes referred to as a monolithic application. And with this type of continued growth, we usually start experiencing the challenges associated with this type of monolithic application. And one of the first signs that…
