From the course: Advanced Microservices: Tactical Forking

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When to adopt tactical forking

When to adopt tactical forking

- [Instructor] In the previous section, we introduced what tactical forking is, and we briefly outlined situations where it becomes an option. Before you consider this as an option, we should highlight the very specific scenario where tactical forking will be a helpful strategy. I will do this by providing you with a very clear criteria that will help you assess its suitability. The first question from this criteria asks do you actually need a modular software architecture like a microservices based system? By this type of modularity, we mean where you can change and upgrade the different business areas within your software separately. This kind of separation will then ensure the overall reliability of your system, basically changing one component. Changing one microservice won't break other parts of your software architecture. Another reason for this type of modularity and separation might be that you want the ability…
