From the course: Advanced Mobile Endpoint Management with Intune

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Defining carrier operations

Defining carrier operations

- [Instructor] Wireless carriers supply much of the magic of the mobile revolution in work. Making sure operations and agreements are solid in the carrier space is critical for success in enterprise mobile fleets. Here are some keys to include in your planning for carrier services. Location, location, location. It is essential for organizations to get availability locations from all possible carriers. Get to know the locations of the job to be done. Do you need coverage in far off locations, and does the carrier cover that space? What if the location is a crowded city or suburb? What about a ship at sea? The relationship with a carrier should focus on the location where they can provide consistent service and support. Pro tip here, get the carrier to commit to where they do not have service and support. They all have those. Get them to admit it. No carrier. There will be times when the EMM teams must support and…
