From the course: Advanced Mobile Endpoint Management with Intune

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Deploying a custom iOS application

Deploying a custom iOS application

- [Instructor] Up to this point, we have only considered publicly available applications. However, we should also take a moment, to consider custom-built applications, that are owned by the organization itself. Let's take a moment, and consider what we will need from the development team, in order to host their application on Intune. But first, let's consider iOS mobile applications. In order to enable custom application hosting, the development team must create a provisioning profile, that is installed in Intune. This profile establishes the trust of the application, for deployment to devices. This is a layer of deployment, unique to Apple Device management. The documentation for developer provisioning profiles, can be found at this website. Second, iOS development teams need to supply the EMM team, with an iOS package app store or IPA package. This is a compressed zip file, containing the application, as well as…
