From the course: Advanced Mobile Endpoint Management with Intune

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Intune platform reporting

Intune platform reporting

- [Instructor] One of the most dynamic features of Intune and mobile management is the constant development of better and better reporting inside the platform itself. At the beginning of mobile management, the scaled platforms were good at getting configurations onto devices. That is now table stakes. Microsoft, in developing analytic insight into Intune reports, raises the bar on mobile management providing unique data and perspective to a very hard to determine and dislocated discipline. Let's jump into Intune and look through the options available to create insight into the manage mobile fleet. Here we are at the home screen for our Intune. We'll select Reports and review what we can do here. This is really amazing. If you've been in the field of enterprise mobile management for any length of time, you'll recognize the value immediately. It's very difficult to understand exactly what's going on in the field without…
