From the course: Advanced Mobile Endpoint Management with Intune

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- [Instructor] Bring your own or BYO device deployments are the most simple of scaled management. In this, we'll take a look at Intune and how Intune is built and then head to a device. The prerequisites for this BYO implementation are the user's own device and that they are logged in with their Apple ID. If for any reason it's not the user's device or they're not logged in with their Apple ID, this will be a hiccup. So let's get at this and take a look at Intune. Here in Intune, we'll go to devices. iOS and iPad OS. This is the enrollment that we've already covered, we've already configured all of these. Let's go back up to iOS and iPad OS. It's here that we'll see the device enrolled, once it's enrolled. See who's in our BYO group, who we expect to enroll. Go over to groups. Select BYO. Select members. It looks like Mary Adams is in the BYO group. So we'll enroll this device as Mary Adams. Now let's go over and…
