From the course: Advanced Mobile Endpoint Management with Intune

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- [Instructor] What do you do when things go wrong? And I promise you, they will go wrong. Troubleshooting a device is tricky when you don't have access to the device itself. Fortunately, Microsoft understands this, and they have embedded troubleshooting training into the Intune platform. Let's jump in there and take a look at guided scenarios. Here we are at the homescreen for Intune. We'll go down select Troubleshooting and support. At the top of this list, we have Guided scenarios. This is a fantastic tool for understanding what you need to do when things go wrong. I would suggest you read through this paragraph and select Got it. Here are the two guided scenarios that they give you out of the box. Secure office apps for mobile. You can start that, and it's 15 minutes long in training. How about deploying edge for mobile? You can start that and spend 15 minutes for training. This is a fantastic and still in preview…
