From the course: Advanced Mobile Endpoint Management with Intune

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Working with the DevOps teams

Working with the DevOps teams

- [Instructor] Modern business processes intersect with technology processes in the IT department. In this video, we will cover a few of the key operational ideas that EMM administrators should keep in mind when working with their development counterparts. First, understand the DevOps philosophy. Before anything else, familiarize yourself with the key principles of DevOps, automation, continuous integration and continuous deployment or CI/CD, monitoring, feedback loops, and collaboration. Second, open communication lines. Establish regular communication channels, whether it's daily standups, weekly meetings, or dedicated chat channels, ensure that both teams are always on the same page. Feedback loops. Implement a feedback loop system. This will ensure that if there's an issue with infrastructure or deployment, the DevOps team gets immediate feedback and the issue can be rectified swiftly. Fourth, ensure security.…
