From the course: Advanced SEO: Search Factors

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Search operators

Search operators

- [Instructor] Whether you're doing SEO professionally or working on a personal project, it's essential that you're familiar with how to conduct advanced searches on Google. Beyond adding keywords into the search box, we can use search operators to further refine results, identify opportunities, diagnose SEO problems, and ever better our competitive research. Now the most basic search operator is to simply run a search. Let's type in jaguar speed. Right away Google provides us some insights about the Jaguar animal and how fast it runs. But let's say that we're interested in the speed of the car, not the animal. So, I can go to the search query, use the minus symbol, and type animal and re-run the search. Now, we're seeing information about the car as opposed to the animal. We've essentially asked Google to exclude any content containing the term animal associated with our search query, jaguar speed. Now if you want to…
