From the course: Advanced SEO: Search Factors

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The sequence of user search queries

The sequence of user search queries

From the course: Advanced SEO: Search Factors

The sequence of user search queries

- [Instructor] All too often in SEO, we fail to consider the sequence of searches a user conducts around the same topic. People tend to start with a general query and then move to more and more specific queries until they arrive at their goal. To put this in perspective, let's say we're looking for a hotel in New York City. What could that sequence of events look like? Would it be a search for New York City hotels and then we're done, that's it? Unlikely. Instead, we might see something like this. I start with a search of New York City hotels. I review the listings. And I realize, you know, I'm actually staying near Manhattan, so I'll adjust my search to New York City hotels near Manhattan. And from here, I might click into Maps and I can review these listings on the left-hand side. And as I start looking at some of these hotels, I may wonder to myself, you know, which ones are the newest? So I may adjust my…
