From the course: Advancing a DIBs Strategy in Your Organization

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Understanding the "why" for URG programs

Understanding the "why" for URG programs

- Most diversity, inclusion, and belonging strategies include development programs for members of underrepresented groups. An important motivation in developing your talent is for them to be strong leaders in your organization. These programs can be powerful tools to provide career advancement, while also connecting directly to your business strategy and beyond. So get creative about the programs you're developing. It can be an excellent way to get input and determine the best way to support the expressed needs of URGs. Now, I'm emphasizing these programs because members of URGs often represent an underutilized internal talent pool. Research shows that underrepresented talent, such as women globally or people of color in the United States, receive less actionable feedback related to their work compared to members of dominant groups, such as men globally or white people in the United States. Without access to feedback…
