From the course: Advertising on LinkedIn

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Analytics, tracking, and attribution

Analytics, tracking, and attribution - LinkedIn Tutorial

From the course: Advertising on LinkedIn

Analytics, tracking, and attribution

- The metrics and performance indicators that you can see within campaign manager, tell you the first half of the story, what advertising efforts lead to the form fill. But the real value in LinkedIn's high quality traffic is how it performs further down the funnel all the way to the return on your investment. Something that is extremely important for LinkedIn advertising is figuring out how your results are driving actual sales or sales pipeline. The way we do this in digital marketing is when we send our traffic to a form or to our landing page we are tagging that traffic with some additional parameters in the URL that the user's probably not even going to see. If you use Google Analytics, you'll probably recognize these as UTM parameters. There's UTM source, medium, campaign, content, term and then a whole bunch of others that you can create as well. The reason why you might want to do this is of course LinkedIn's ad…
