From the course: After Effects Apprentice: 04 Layer Control

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Applying effects

Applying effects

- [Narrator] This is a new exercise in composition that we added to the CS6 and CC exercise files, but it's a concept that applies to virtually any version of After Effects, and that's how you apply effects to process the contents of layers inside compositions. If you have any comps open, go ahead and close them for now to keep your display clean, and open up the comp FX- Applying Effects starter. You'd also start with any comp with almost any piece of footage in it. Effects can only be applied to selected layers. If you don't have any layers selected, you'll notice that all of the effects choices are grayed out. That's because After Effects doesn't know what to apply it to. So, select your layer, and then either use the effect menu or the effects and presets panel, which has a copy of all the categories underneath the menu, as well as a nice quick search dialog. Let's play with the blur and sharpen category. I'm going to apply box blur, because this is one of the most versatile blurs…
