From the course: After Effects Apprentice: 04 Layer Control

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Higher quality upscaling

Higher quality upscaling

- [Instructor] In this sidebar, we're going to discuss some different strategies to scale up layers, which is usually a weak point of After Effects. I've closed my other compositions. I'm in the exercise files for After Effects CC and I'm going to open up the comp US-Upscaling*starter. You can play around with any piece of NTSC-sized footage, that particularly has numbers and other small details. In general, you don't like scaling up layers past 100%. Whenever you do that, you have to create pixels that weren't there originally, and almost inevitably is going to get softer. However, sometimes you can't avoid it. For example, this composition is 1280 by 720, the smaller of the two common hi-def sizes. This is much larger than the 720 by 480 of my DV footage. And of course, an even more common hi-def size is 1920 by 1080. Though, quite often, clients ask you to take old, standard-definition shots, and make them fit in a new high-definition screen. To do that requires a lot of scaling…
