From the course: After Effects Breakdowns: Social Tech Infographics

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Building an infographic story

Building an infographic story

- [Voiceover] I think that a good infographics movie is one that can help to explain the complicated idea with simple images and metaphors. You can harness the power of motion graphics to enhance the human visual system's ability to see patterns and trends. So when you need to present information in this way, you should try to follow a few important rules. You need to show the data, but at the same time, inspire the viewer to think about the substance. You should also encourage the eye to compare different pieces of data, and try to reveal the data as several levels of detail, from a broad overview to the fine structure. And finally, everything needs to be integrated with the statistical and verbal descriptions of the information. So, I want to walk you through the storyboard of this movie where we can see that all of those principles were implemented to explain about the COM.UNITY organization and its purpose. We are starting with this image of Social Tech, which raises the question…
