From the course: After Effects Tips and Techniques: Compositing and Effects

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Film-flash effect

Film-flash effect

- One of the most requested effects by users is a film flash effect which is more of a transition than an effect. There are several plugins that can do it for you but it's very easy to achieve using the built in tools of After Effects and it looks as good as any plugins if not, even better. So, I'll start by showing you a basic preset that ships with the software. And then I'll show you my version which is a free preset that you can use in order to enhance your footage. We are starting with this collection of various clips that you already saw me use across this training. So, they are just back to back on 1/8 second comp in this After Effects projects. Nothing too special. Now, let's say that instead of those cuts which doesn't really helps to tell the story because those shots are so different in terms of their content, we want to create a film flash effect. So, let's start with the built in preset in order to see what it can do for you and then I'll show you my version. For that we…
