From the course: Agile at Work: Building Your Agile Team

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What does a project manager do in agile?

What does a project manager do in agile?

From the course: Agile at Work: Building Your Agile Team

What does a project manager do in agile?

- The role of the project manager isn't clearly defined in Agile framework. Understandably this causes some friction with many project managers. It's hard to motivate managers to embrace Agile if they feel their role is less than essential. Also, project management has several structural challenges that will make it difficult for many project managers to see their path to Agile. One challenge is many organizations see project managers as talent feeders into positions with greater responsibility. So many project managers are already ambitious and well connected. There are also many directors or senior managers who started as project managers. They will tend to see the organization from that perspective. This will make changes even more difficult and uncertain. It takes a very open-minded project manager to accept some of the key tenants of Agile. The self-organized team, the product backlog, and the role of the scrum master are all significant departures from traditional project…
