From the course: Agile at Work: Building Your Agile Team

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What the scrum master is and isn't

What the scrum master is and isn't

- Few roles are as misunderstood as the Agile Scrum Master. Many organizations look to them as their senior managers responsible to the Agile team. It's important to remember that the role is responsible for managing the agile framework and not the team. They administer the project, create reports, eliminate obstacles, and remove distractions. But names matter. In any role with master in the title is almost certain to inherit some management responsibility. That means that Scrum Masters are often placed in an awkward position of trying to reduce their own scope of authority. I once worked for a project where the senior managers simply changed their title to Scrum Masters when they started Agile. They assumed that anything with master in the title would be appropriate for a senior manager. These managers continued as they had their entire career. They drove the project, communicated with stakeholders, and ran the meetings. These overzealous Scrum Masters ended up slowing the Agile…
