From the course: Agile at Work: Building Your Agile Team

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Why agile exists

Why agile exists

- In the early 1990s, software development was a monumental undertaking. A software project was like building a bridge to an island hidden in the clouds. The project manager in the team spent a great deal of time planning, designing, and estimating. And only then could they start building. Once they started, it became extremely difficult to change direction. If the island moved, the project manager would have to bend steel and break concrete. This inflexible approach lead to many failed software projects and unhappy project managers. Software teams would have to hammer changes and work long hours to get working software out the door. In the late 1990s, some teams started using a less process-heavy approach for developing software. They called these approaches lightweight software development. These lightweight development frameworks included scrum, extreme programming, adaptive software development, feature-driven development, crystal clear, and the dynamic systems development method.…
