From the course: Agile at Work: Building Your Agile Team

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Working as an agile team

Working as an agile team

- In the 1940s, there was a very popular Superman radio program. Invariably, someone on the show was in some dangerous situation. Then the radio announcer would start their chime. Look, up in the air, it's a bird, it's a plane, no it's Superman. Then in a flash, Superman would swoop in and save the day. That was the life of a superhero. There were people in trouble, and then at the very last minute you would swoop in and save them from disaster. As strange as it may sound, that's not much different from how many organizations view their projects. They will try to hire their own superheros for the team. They would overrely on one hired superhero to save the day. Agile tries to break away from this superhero model. For the project to succeed, they need to distribute to the entire team. There is less drive to find one person to drive and deliver. An Agile team should try to share knowledge, and share responsibility, that's a key part of the team's responsibility to self-organize. Extreme…
