From the course: Agile Instructional Design

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Create additional prototypes

Create additional prototypes

- The Savvy Start was a time for the full project team to gather together in order to discuss, brainstorm, sketch, and prototype many of the design ideas for the course. But more design is needed before you can move on to development. This is the role of the design team in the iterative design phase. This design team will likely be smaller, and team members will likely be charged with preparing ideas in advance, for meeting with others. It remains important however to follow the rule of breadth before depth. That is, it's important to consider all of the content to understand whether a broad variety of instructional treatments will be necessary, or whether just one or a few will be appropriate for all content. This rule is harder to follow than it appears, and can be the biggest liability of using SAM. With each iteration, design becomes more specific, and reaches greater depth until all details are finalized. The temptation is to immediately follow up on ideas as they spring forth…
