From the course: Agile: It's Not Just for Software

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Size the effort

Size the effort

- Waterfall projects capture requirements and estimate the time needed for completing the project upfront. You write down all of the requirements in great detail while the project manager creates a project plan with all the tasks needed to get this project finished, how to do those tasks and how many hours it will take. Think about it. Do you really know exactly how long it will take to do a task three months from today? This upfront in-depth planning needs to be updated perpetually. That waste time, and often a lot of it. Agile on the other hand embraces a very different approach. We start with the big picture of what our customer wants and size the effort it will take to get the entire scope of work done, but we only get into the details for what we'll do next. We use both sizing and estimating. Sizing enables us to come up with an overall amount of effort at a high level. Estimating enables detailed planning, usually…
