From the course: Agile Project Management with Jira Cloud: 1 Projects, Boards, and Issues

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Lab: Cloud company-managed

Lab: Cloud company-managed

- [Instructor] In this demo, we'll move issues through a workflow, assign an issue, add a review column to the board, configure board cards and explore the difference between Project Administrators and standard users. We are logged in as Alana Grant, who is the Project Administrator. We can see our classic project, named projectA, and we're looking at the projects Kanban board. To change an issue from the Backlog column to Selected For Development, we can simply drag the issue. We can drag it to any column. Another way to change an issues column is to open it by clicking the issue and change the value in the status field. Here, we'll move the add item one issue back to the Backlog. If we close this issue, we can see the add item 1 issue has moved back to the Backlog column. Next, we're going to assign an issue to a user. Clicking the add item 1 issue, we can see that it's currently unassigned. Let's assign it to Alana…
