From the course: Agile Project Management with Jira Cloud: 2 Lean and Agile Processes

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Jira Query Language (JQL)

Jira Query Language (JQL)

- [Instructor] In this video, we will discuss JQL. We'll describe JQL, rank JQL using autocomplete, and use functions in JQL queries. We've seen basic search, which uses user interface elements to make searching for issues easy. With advanced search, you use text to search for issues. This text is called JQL or Jira Query Language. JQL can do two things. It can search for issues and it can order the results. We can compare basic and advanced search. Basic search uses a user-friendly interface. And queries can be quite complex. Advanced search uses JQL. And is the most powerful search method. Certain queries are only possible in advanced search. Since JQL is text-based, it can also be used in automation scripts. The easiest way to write JQL is to leverage basic search. You can perform a search using basic search. In this case, we're finding all issues of the project A project. And then you can click on the Switch to JQL…
