From the course: Agile Software Development: Scrum for Developers

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Sprint review overview

Sprint review overview

- [Instructor] Our agile fitness team has been working diligently towards converting the sprint backlog items into a potentially releasable product increment. We are at the end of the sprint, and it is time for another event called the sprint review. First of all, sprint review is a collaborative informal event where the scrum team and the external stakeholders collaborate to do two things. One, they take stock of where they stand in terms of the progress towards building their product. Two, they discuss and decide on what they want to do next. This is an informal event and not a scripted product demo. This is the event where the scrum team and the external stakeholders inspect the product increment and adapt the product backlog. They need to do this because the external stakeholders are more knowledgeable about market conditions, teams performance, organizational goals, competitor roadmap, and other applicable factors. The…
