From the course: Agile Software Development: Transforming Your Organization

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Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe)

Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe)

- [Instructor] Let's take a look at the Scaled Agile Framework, SAFe, for short, and why an arm of the US government, Fannie Mae, has chosen it. Fannie Mae is the largest provider of mortgage financing in the US. Fannie Mae recognized that it needed to be more responsive to changing customer demands and selected SAFe as the scaling model. Here's the SAFe model from their website. It can be challenging to read, so let me summarize it for you. The SAFe model is all about alignment and collaboration across large numbers of Agile teams. It relies heavily on Agile software development, lean product management, and systems thinking. Groups of teams working together at the program level are formed into Agile Release Trains, or ARTs. All the teams within an ART collaborate around a product increment or PI. In SAFe, the PIs are on a cadence or a schedule that releases in unison. Fannie Mae chose the SAFe model because it…
