From the course: An Introduction to How Generative AI Will Transform Healthcare

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Balancing technology and human judgment

Balancing technology and human judgment

- We've covered the challenges of model bias in a previous video, but there's another source of bias when using generative AI models in healthcare. It's you, the human user. No technology will ever be perfectly free of errors, and humans have biases, too. Some of these biases include automation bias, confirmation bias, and these can lead to blindly accepting incorrect AI system content and downplaying your own common sense. In fact, studies have shown that overreliance on AI can lead to poor performance than either the human or the AI acting alone. And this is all worsened when the user is technically less literate. In a Nature journal study about medical decision-making, it was found that clinicians with low AI literacy were seven times more likely to accept AI medical recommendations. To get ahead of these challenges, we must understand when AI is being used in our healthcare systems and how generative AI comes to its conclusions and even what data it was trained on. Many models…
