From the course: An Introduction to How Generative AI Will Transform Healthcare

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The rise of general medical AI

The rise of general medical AI

- Ah, the future. Full of so many possibilities. And as long as we don't have to think about all these pesky details around infrastructure, regulation, and change management, it's just way more fun to imagine the art of the possible, right? But this is more than just a fun thought experiment. As healthcare professionals, it's crucial to anticipate how AI will transform our industry and help shape the capabilities we want to see in the future. So what will the future of AI in healthcare look like? Well, it might look like generalist medical AI. This is a concept that was first introduced in a "Nature" paper in 2023 and refers to an advanced AI system that's capable of performing a wide array of medical tasks autonomously. This includes reasoning across different modalities, such as interpreting medical images, surgical videos, electronic health records, genomic and proteomic data, and much, much more. But how does this differ from multimodal generative AI that we've already covered?…
