From the course: Assessing and Improving Strategic Plans

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Working with the wrong talent

Working with the wrong talent

- Your strategy is only as good as the people executing it. Having the right mix of skills and personalities determines success or failure. Go through a rigorous talent assessment once you've constructed your strategic plan. Ensure your team has all the capabilities they need to successfully execute that plan. If you're missing key talent, go out and hire it. Some indicators that you may have talent issues are people missing objectives and getting low ratings during the talent management review process. You may have high turnover in key roles, or people are stagnating for long periods of time in the same role. Important roles may be left unfilled for long periods of time, and you may lack clarity on succession planning. I've worked with organizations who have faced all these issues. I've seen situations where if somebody was in the same role for 10 years, there was no growth whatsoever, they weren't very motivated. I worked with another organization where a key role was open for nine…
