From the course: AutoCAD 2019 Essential Training

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Adding a simple table

Adding a simple table

- [Instructor] We're staying in our Annotation.dwg file, and what we're going to look at this time is adding a simple table to our AutoCAD drawing. Now, sometimes you have to do that because you want to annotate in a tabular format. So you might want to list hole diameters, or you might want to list dimensions, angles, materials that the bolting plate is made from. Now, we're just going to go to the Layers panel here on the Home tab on the ribbon, and you'll notice that we don't have a tables layer. So we're going to go to Layer Properties. Open up the Layer Properties Manager. Click on this icon here for New Layer. New layer will be Tables, just type it in like so, and just make sure you put a capital letter in there, just to keep it consistent. And you'll see it's adopted the red color of the current layer, which is Dimensions. If you double-click on the little sheet of paper next to the word Tables, that makes it the current drafting layer. So when I close the Layer Properties…
