From the course: AutoCAD 2019 Essential Training

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Aligning text

Aligning text

- [Man] We're starting another chapter now, in our AutoCAD Essential Training course. And we're going to look at some additional text techniques that are available to you in AutoCAD. We've got a new drawing for you, it's UsingText.dwg and as usual you can download it from the website to follow along with the videos. Now you'll also notice as well that we've got the text layer current in the Layers Panel in the Home tab on the ribbon, so just make sure that if you haven't got that text layer current that you select it from the layer drop down like so. Now what we're going to do is we're going to look at aligning text and getting it to either align to the left-hand side or the right-hand side. Now you'll notice in the top right corner in the offices there of the floor plan that we've got some text describing the usage of each of the offices. So just using your mouse get your crosshair over the offices roll up on the wheel and then do a little bit of zooming and panning so that you can…
