From the course: AutoCAD 2019 Essential Training

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Altering and clipping XREFs

Altering and clipping XREFs - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD 2019 Essential Training

Altering and clipping XREFs

- [Instructor] Once again, we're staying in the XREFs.dwg file, which is the host drawing for the reference files, and you can see that the property line XREF, the reference file, is attached and loaded because you can see it there on the screen. You can also see the little orange icon down in the bottom right corner, which if you click on it, you can see it's in there in the External References palette. So, I'll just close the External References palette for now. Now, we're going to have a little look now at altering and clipping your XREF files. Now, what I'm going to do is go to the Home tab, first of all, and just check that we're utilizing the appropriate layer for our XREF, our property line drawing. So, if I just click on it, like so, it will automatically go to the External Reference tab on the ribbon, the Contextual tab, but I can go to the Home tab, and you can see that it's using the A-XREFs layer in the drawing, which is the layer I want it to use. So, I can just hit…
