From the course: AutoCAD 2019 Essential Training

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Creating and using arrays

Creating and using arrays

- [Instructor] We're staying in our ModifyingObjects.dwg file and what we're going to have a look at, now, is the array command, which is pretty much the copy selection command but on steroids, really. The idea being is that it's a much bulkier, more advanced version of copying objects. You can have rectangular arrays, which follow the row and column scenario, and you can also have polar arrays, which have a center point and you copy the objects around the center point of the polar array. Now, you'll notice in the floor plan, I've zoomed out to the extents using a double click on the wheel of the mouse and you can see the sofa there roughly central in the middle of the floor plan. Using your mouse wheel and a little bit of panning as well, get in nice and close so that you can see the sofa and maybe just pan upwards a little bit, as well. Just so it's sort of to the middle but to the left a little bit on the screen, there. Now, the array command is on the modify panel on the home tab…
