From the course: AutoCAD 2019 Essential Training

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Defining your page setup

Defining your page setup

- [Instructor] In the previous video what we did was created a simple title block, and we copied and pasted it across into our Layout1 tab. Now I've left the drawing in the same state as it was at the end of the last video, where our title block does not fit our sheet in the layout tab. Now in order to make that work, what we need to do is make sure that we have set up a title block and a sheet that sit on top of each other. And they're not quite right at the moment. You can see that on the screen. So I'm in the Layout1 tab. What I need to do is right click on that Layout1 tab. And what we're going to do there is go to the Page Setup Manager. Now you'll notice when you open this up that the current layout is Layout1, and that's the Layout1 that's highlighted down here in the bottom left corner. And you'll notice that you've got asterisks in the page setups list. Now what that means is that all we've got is the default setting for the Layout1 tab, which as you can see, doesn't tally up…
