From the course: AutoCAD 2019 Essential Training

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Designing a table

Designing a table

- [Instructor] We're staying in our TableStyles.dwg file, and you'll notice I've left it in the same state at the end of the previous video where we brought in that larger table just using the standard table style. What I'd like you to do is actually select that larger table and just delete it. We don't actually need it anymore. And what we're going to do is we're now going to design a table. We're going to create our own table style, and then bring in a new super duper table into our TableStyles.dwg file. So we go back to the annotate tab on the ribbon, if you haven't done so already, back to the tables panel, hover over the tables title bar, and click on the little arrow to open up our table style dialog box. Now, what I'm going to do is utilize the standard style, but I'm going to click on new, and the new style name, I'll just call it training for now. So there's our training style name, and we're going to start with the standard style. Click on continue, and that takes us into…
