From the course: AutoCAD 2019 Essential Training

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Direct distance entry (DDE)

Direct distance entry (DDE) - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD 2019 Essential Training

Direct distance entry (DDE)

- [Instructor] We're staying in our DrawingAccurately.dwg file and in the previous video we looked at dynamic input. Now, one of the tools that you will use to draw accurately in AutoCAD ties in beautifully with dynamic input. And it's a thing called direct distance entry, which I normally abbreviate to DDE. And what it allows you to do is enter direct distances just by typing them in, and the benefit you've got is if you've got the dynamic input up on the screen, you can see those being typed in nice and easily because the dynamic input is sitting there right next to your crosshair in your drawing area. So I you want to draw a line using dynamic input and direct distance entry, it's very quick and easy to do. Make sure that your dynamic input is on, which is down here. There we go, it's on, it's blue. And make sure you're using the new layer, as well, like we have done for previous videos in this particular chapter. And, again, I'm going to utilize the line command, but I'm going to…
