From the course: AutoCAD 2019 Essential Training

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Drawing Compare

Drawing Compare

- [Instructor] We're going to look now at a really cool new feature in AutoCAD, and it's the Drawing Compare command. Now I've got two drawings for you that you can download from the library for this particular video. You can see there in the file tabs at the top of the screen near the ribbon we've got DrawingManagement1 and DrawingManagement2. Now in the drawing DrawingManagement1 you can see in the office area here, there's no furniture. DrawingManagement2 however, in the office area there is furniture. And what we're going to do, we're going to compare these two drawings, and the Drawing Compere command will highlight the differences between the two drawings. Drawing Compare is on a new tab on the AutoCAD ribbon. It's up here, Collaborate, and you'll find that in AutoCAD 2019 only. So, Collaborate there like so, and there's the Drawing Compare command. It's a new feature, but it's a really cool feature which is why it's included in this course. So I click on Drawing Compare now and…
