From the course: AutoCAD 2019 Essential Training

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Editing hatches and gradients

Editing hatches and gradients - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD 2019 Essential Training

Editing hatches and gradients

- [Instructor] So we're staying in our HatchingGradients.dwg file and in the previous couple of videos what we've done is we've created some hatch patterns and we've created a gradient filler, the red one, in the drawing area. How do you edit them though? Well it's actually very, very easy. If you hover over them they highlight, you click on them like so and you'll notice that the ribbon changes to the hatch editor now instead of the hatch creation tab. So again it's another contextual tab but you're now editing an existing hatch pattern. So if I now go up to the pattern panel here and change the hatch pattern you can see there how quick and easy it is to change it. And if I perhaps change the hatch scale there to say 25 for example and press enter you can see it becomes a denser hatch with smaller gaps between the cross hatching there on that particular hatch pattern. And then what I might want to do is just close the hatch editor there and that's done. I then select the next hatch…
