From the course: AutoCAD 2019 Essential Training

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Editing XREFs

Editing XREFs

- [Instructor] We're staying in our XREFs.dwg file, and that's the host drawing, and as you can see, the PropertyLine drawing is referenced into the XREFs.dwg file as well. When you've got your XREF, your reference file attached to your AutoCAD host drawing, how do you edit it? Well, you can edit it in the usual way. You can open up the PropertyLine drawing, and you can edit the drawing, and AutoCAD will actually prompt you to reload it as an XREF because changes have been made. How does that work? Well, the best way to check it is to go and actually do it. Let's do that, let's go up to Open on the Quick Access toolbar, there's our PropertyLine drawing there, and it's in the same folder as our XREFs drawing because it's a relative reference coming into the host drawing. I'm going to open up my PropertyLine drawing, and there it is there like so. I'm just going to roll back on the wheel a couple of notches so that we can see the whole of the property line. Now, I can make changes to…
