From the course: AutoCAD 2019 Essential Training

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New layers and the layer dropdown menu

New layers and the layer dropdown menu - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD 2019 Essential Training

New layers and the layer dropdown menu

- [Instructor] We're staying in our ObjectLayerProperties.dwg file. And as you can see, we've still got the hinge, we still got the nut and the bolt, and we've still got the keyhole as well. Now, at the moment, we've been working with the layers that we've been given in the drawing. What we're going to look at now is new layers and the Layer dropdown menu and how that works. So make sure you go to the Home tab on the ribbon. We're going to go into the Layers panel, and we're going to select Layer Properties. And that'll bring up the Layer Properties Manager. Now, you can drag this around. It's a palette. Click on the title bar, drag it around, like so. And you can obviously drag and make the columns bigger and smaller and so on and so forth. So you can see that there's now On, Freeze, Lock, Plot, Color, Linetype. I'll expand the Lineweight a little bit. And you've got New Layer, VP Freeze there, and so on. Now, what we've got is an entire group of settings for all of our layers in…
