From the course: AutoCAD 2019 Essential Training

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Rectangles and polygons

Rectangles and polygons

- [Instructor] We're starting another chapter now in our AutoCAD Essentials course. And we've already looked at drawing some of the more basic objects in AutoCAD. We're now going to investigate some of the more detailed methods of drafting objects in our AutoCAD drawings. And the first elements that we're going to look at are rectangles and polygons. But, before we do that, just make a note of the drawing title at the top of the screen. It's called DrawingMoreObjects.dwg and, as usual, you can download that from the website to use in conjunction with the videos. Now, the good thing is this particular drawing has some named views in it to allow us to navigate in the drawing itself. So, the first thing we're going to look at is drawing a rectangle. And what we're going to do is we're going to utilize a named view and go to our entrance of the building in this particular drawing. So, if you go here, to where it says Top, in the dropdown, and hover over Custom Model Views, you can see…
