From the course: AutoCAD 2019 Essential Training

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Saving and restoring views

Saving and restoring views - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD 2019 Essential Training

Saving and restoring views

- [ Instructor] We're staying in our navigatingdrawings3D.DWG file and we've already had a look at the view cube and model space and paper space. What we're going to look at now is saving and restoring views in our AutoCAD drawings. Now up until now we haven't actually had any named views set up in this particular drawing. If you're working in a large drawing, let's say that this drawing was much bigger and the building was much, much bigger and it had a North, South, East, and West wing, and an atrium, and lots of other different areas that you needed to navigate to. It would be a good idea to have named views that you could just click on and go to rather than have to zoom, pan, or mess around with the view cube or any isometric views. Now you can do that in AutoCAD and it's very quick and easy to do, but you've got to know where to find it. And the quickest way to find it is over here in this drop-down where the named views are, the preset views. Now we did touch on this previously…
