From the course: AutoCAD 2019 Essential Training

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The application menu

The application menu

- Welcome to another chapter in our AutoCAD Essential Training Course. In this particular chapter we're going to be looking at getting you started with the AutoCAD user interface. And in this particular instance, we're using a file called Interface.dwg. You can see the name of the file at the top of the screen, and as usual you can download it from the website, and use it to follow along with the videos in this particular chapter. Now, you can see the drawing itself is a floor plan with stairs and grids and dimensions and so on. We won't actually be making many changes to the drawing in this particular chapter, because we're getting you used to the user interface. Now, the first element of the user interface that we're going to look at is the Application menu, and you'll find that in the top-left corner of your AutoCAD screen. So you've opened up AutoCAD, and you've opened up a drawing, this particular drawing, the Interface.dwg file, and you've got the big red A, top-left corner…
