From the course: AutoCAD 2019 Essential Training

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Using annotative text styles

Using annotative text styles - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD 2019 Essential Training

Using annotative text styles

- [Instructor] We're staying in our layout.dwg file. And in the previous video, we set up our little title block, and we made sure that our viewport was sitting nice and neatly in the top left corner of the title block, there, in the STAIR A layout tab. Now, what we also need to think about is text styles, now, and how our text is going to appear in our viewport, in our layout. Now, the best way to do this is to utilize annotative scaling. So, you can use annotative text styles, you can also use annotative dimension styles. We're going to look at using an annotative text style first. So, we're going to go back to our model tab, like so, and you can just see our little title block there in the top left corner, where what I've done is I've double clicked on the wheel of the mouse to zoom extents. We can actually remove that little title block, now, that can be deleted, we don't need that anymore. Now, you'll notice that we've got the overall plan view in the model space. We're going to…
