From the course: AutoCAD 2019 Essential Training

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Using Dynamic Input

Using Dynamic Input

- [Narrator] We're staying in our drawingaccurately.dwg file, and what we're going to have a look at now, is how we use dynamic input in our AutoCad drawings. Up until now, I've mentioned dynamic input, but I haven't mentioned any dynamic input settings, or how you switch dynamic input on or off, because dynamic input, by default, when you start up AutoCad, is always on. Now, dynamic input is basically the ability to type a command or enter a coordinate value on the screen, next to the crosshairs. So, if I start typing "line," for example, you'll notice it appears next to the crosshairs there, and you can see that the suggestion menu is suggesting the line command. So, if I now press enter, I've gone into the line command, and it's asking me to specify the first point of my line. I'll just press enter to cancel that. I don't want to draw a line right now. What we're going to do, we're going to zoom in on these areas here. So, we've got our rectangle, our line and our rectangle, and…
