From the course: AutoCAD 2019 Essential Training

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Using Fillet and Chamfer

Using Fillet and Chamfer

- [Narrator] Once again we're staying in the modifying objects.dwg file, and you'll notice what I've done this time is zoomed the extense of the drawing by double clicking on the wheel of the mouse. We're going to go up to the layers panel in the home tab on the ribbon and we're going to change the layer that we're working on. We want the I FURN layer, the furniture layer, and then using the mouse just zoom in in that area where you can see the piano, just there, and you want to be able to just have a little bit of space in the middle there. And what we're going to do, we're going to draw two rectangles. So we're going to go to the draw panel and we're going to click on the fly out here and select rectangle, and just put one over here and one over here. So I'm going to click here and drag and the coordinates of the other corner point of the rectangle are going to be 1250 and then comma 650 like that and then press enter and you'll see there's a little rectangle there and then the…
