From the course: AutoCAD 2019 Essential Training

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Using Move and Copy

Using Move and Copy

- [Instructor] We're staying in our modifying_objects.dwg file, and we're going to have a little look now at the move and copy commands available to you in AutoCAD. Now move and copy are available on the modify panel on the home tab on the ribbon; they're up here. So there's move and there's copy. The benefit that you do have though is you can select objects and then right click, and move and copy are also available on the shortcut menu, which is a little bit quicker if you want to go down that route. Now, we've got a desk here, and we've got a chair, and we've also got a nice little rubber plant there as well. What I'm going to do is I'm going to move the desk, and the chair, and the rubber plant into this office over here. I'm then going to copy them into this office here. So, let's move the desk first. So I select the desk like so. It's a block, so it's got the one grip. Now, I might not want to move it using the grip. I might want to use a different point. So with it selected, I…
