From the course: AutoCAD 2019 Essential Training

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Using the EXPLODE command

Using the EXPLODE command

- We're staying in our reusing content.DWG file and as you can see I've left it in the same state as it was at the end of the last video, where were we redefined our key hole block. Now you'll notice in the previous video I used the EXPLODE command to explode the block back to its original information. So if I go here again to my key hole and I use EXPLODE here on the modify panel, it explodes it back to all its original objects, its component objects, because a block is a complex object made up of a number of component objects. So what I can do now is I could redefine all of that again and create another key hole block if I wanted to. However, sometimes you might want to explode a block and change it slightly but not make it into another block again. So you can explode any block you want to in AutoCAD. It'll still retain all the other definitions of the block references so you can see it there. I've still got that key hole block there, however this one is not block anymore. It's a…
